Sunday, October 12, 2014

feeling un-lucky

If there isn't one, there should be a word for "when you AREN'T looking for something, you will find it everywhere BUT when you ARE, ha-good luck finding it".

gif via mashable via sevanderslice
Yes- That is me right now... I tried to start looking for a dress for an upcoming wedding over a month ago and yet- NO DRESS! I have even bought a few hopefuls online at like Nordstrom & NastyGal, but they sadly didn't fit my big ass just weren't for me. So I am still stuck at the drawing board.

Oh and I also found an amazing dress at Nordstrom that fit and I felt/looked fabulous (obviously personal confidence booster).. about to say "I'LL TAKE IT" and realized that on this particular dress, I forgot to look at the price tag. WAH WAH. $258. WAAAAY out of my price range right now. Thought I would go up and just see if by chance it was marked down and...... it was!!!!!  By $10. Enter multiple curse words here.
Just under 2 weeks left to find one. Bestie lent me 2 options that are viable, but that stinkin dress is still in my head.
Just don't know what I want to do about it all just yet. I'll keep looking, but at least like I said, I have back-ups now. Maybe my luck is about to change! :)

xo jess xo

1 comment:

  1. buy the dang dress! if you love it/it makes you feel good/it can be worn multiple times, why not?? you know what they say ... YOLO!

    PS, lovin' the blog :)
