Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lists on Lists on Lists

I love list making. 

... there have definitely been a few times lately in which I have written down something that I am currently doing or literally just did so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off! Ahhhh :)

Sometimes it the action of crossing off a few items can kick start crossing off the bigger or more consuming items on your list.

Here are a few things that are easy to cross off the list in a short period of time, make you feel generally productive, and actually need to get done anyway! Some are pretty common sense, but hopefully there will be a couple new ones for ya!

  1. Sort through your email- divide it into appropriate folders or trash it. DONE!
  2. Go through mail mail. Toss/sort/file.
  3. Gather your dirty laundry if required. face it, it somehow ends up everywhere!
  4. Toss in a load of laundry.
  5. Tidy up your night stand. mine totally ends up cluttered before I even realize it with jewelry, papers, glasses empty or half filled with water, etc.
  6. Clean out your wallet. I just did this and did not realize how many receipts and what not were junking up my wallet. No wonder I can't easily grab my I.D. out!
  7. Clean out your purse. same principal. It becomes mine and occasionally my husbands catch all when we are out. Lots of unnecessary items in there.
  8. Make your bed. Not only does it look tidier and more organized, but there are some articles/research that say it actually helps you get a better sleep (here and here). In general, the National Sleep Foundation has some interesting information to learn about your sleeping environment or sleep health. Check it out!)
  9. Take out the trash, literally.
  10. Load or unload the dishwasher.
  11. Vacuum or sweep one room. 
  12. Wipe/clean all the sinks in your home.
  13. Wipe/clean all the mirrors in your home.
  14. Throw out expired or old leftovers/etc from the fridge.
  15. Review your calendar for the upcoming week/month to get an idea of upcoming events or anything you might need to do for it... another list maybe? :)
  16. Look on Pinterest (maybe even your already pinned things!) and find a new recipe to try.
  17. Check your bank statement/budget.
  18. Pay a bill.
  19. Make a grocery "list".
  20. Refresh a few photographs around your home. Currently doing!
  21.  Update your resume. Always a good idea says Forbes.. I just did!
  22.  Send out a quick email or facebook message to a friend. Maybe just a compliment or a how are you... stay connected.
  23. 5 minute work out- Google it, make up your own, or check out Fitness Magazine for ideas!
  24. Put together your lunch for the next day. I am terrible at this!!
  25. Put together your outfit for the next day.
  26. Find a way to pamper yourself ...whitening strip/paint your nails/put on a mud mask/tweeze... in other words - Treat yo'self- Parks and Rec anyone? :)
  27. Plan an outing. Dinner, drinks, movie, activity, or general get together. 
  28. Check out groupon. Have found many random deals when I have just randomly checked out the site/app!
  29. Run updates on your phone and/or computer. For some reason, I always hate doing this and they build up for no reason. Just get it over with and cross it off. 
  30. Do a "fake" clean a la Thrifty and Chic. :)

Feeling more productive already. You?
xo jess xo

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