Thursday, January 8, 2015

2000 + 15

It was kind of like, haha Welcome to 2015. BAM. BRRRRR.

Speaking of a new year...

I have stopped making resolutions because I tend not to do well with them. 
So this year, I have goals. Aspirations. And I am keeping them simple.

1) Set up a monthly budget: When we moved to Chicago, it was a fun new city and we wanted to be out and about doing things and we were very "flexible" with our spending.  I signed up with last year, but didn't end up really utilizing it. So this is the year- we budget and stick to it.

2) Volunteer: Time to get out there and do something. Keeping this one very open so as not to stress about it- for now, it could be a one day thing or a monthly thing. The big "thing" is to get out there. Tim is going to join me on this one- so we are currently looking at options. 

3) Learn a new skill: Such as sewing (I don't even really know how to stitch a hole in a shirt or a button back on), knitting (I am an old lady who want to knit you a blanket!),  a couple yoga moves, or even how to play chess -which would probably make Tim happy.

4) Run/Walk in a 5K or fun run: I used to be athletic and I still have never done one of these. I have said on multiple occasions, I want to... but haven't. Living in a big city there are a ton of options too!!

5) Send friends and family cards: I like getting mail and cards and well wishes.  I like sending them too, but don't always remember to or remember in advance to get it there in time. Sometimes I send late- sometimes it stops me from sending it. I want to send well wishes (on-time) to all my loved ones this year, i.e. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Babies, Congrats, Sympathy, Thinking of You/Just Because, etc.

6) Study Day: I have continuing education requirements for my job as an Occupational Therapist, but I want to keep up and refresh my skills. Starting small, I want to take a day/evening a month where I go to a coffee shop or get cozy on the couch and "study up".

7) Learn Spanish: I am not talking about speaking fluently. I am talking simple words and phrases that I can use at work. So starting out with words related to therapy and function so that I can communicate a little more with my patients who speak Spanish... If I can pick up even more, that would be great! 

8) Take better photos: Again, I am not talking about buying a brand new camera and learning lots composition and settings, etc. Just simple tricks in which I can improve the lighting, how to take better pictures at night/moving targets, and best general angles.

9) Go one month without take-out: This would likely be one of the hardest. Tim and I have a bad habit of ordering food when we are lazy, it's too cold/too hot out, weekends, haven't gone grocery shopping, or just in the mood to. Plus with friends/family/visits, we would have to define take-out to just ordering in. I don't think we could rule out restaurants all together. 
But nevertheless- a goal= less eating out and ordering in!
Which could also add into another resolution to cook more and try new recipes...

10) Read at least one new book a month: My husband calls me a nerd. I am a reading nerd. I love it. But sometimes in the hustle and bustle of "life", I just don't. On vacations, I binge on books and when I do read one I end up not being able to stop until it is finished. I would like to find a way to add reading into my everyday routine... like as a relaxing end to my day. I can easily read a book a book a month literally, it is making sure I set time up for myself to enjoy it.

So here are my general intentions for 2015.
What are yours?

xo jess xo

1 comment:

  1. In response to #10: Read the book, Me before You by Jojo moyes! One of the best I've read!
