I love list making.
... there have definitely been a few times lately in which I have written down something that I am currently doing or literally just did so that I can have the satisfaction of
Sometimes it the action of crossing off a few items can kick start crossing off the bigger or more consuming items on your list.
Here are a few things that are easy to cross off the list in a short period of time, make you feel generally productive, and actually need to get done anyway! Some are pretty common sense, but hopefully there will be a couple new ones for ya!
- Sort through your email- divide it into appropriate folders or trash it. DONE!
- Go through mail mail. Toss/sort/file.
- Gather your dirty laundry if required. face it, it somehow ends up everywhere!
- Toss in a load of laundry.
- Tidy up your night stand. mine totally ends up cluttered before I even realize it with jewelry, papers, glasses empty or half filled with water, etc.
- Clean out your wallet. I just did this and did not realize how many receipts and what not were junking up my wallet. No wonder I can't easily grab my I.D. out!
- Clean out your purse. same principal. It becomes mine and occasionally my husbands catch all when we are out. Lots of unnecessary items in there.
- Make your bed. Not only does it look tidier and more organized, but there are some articles/research that say it actually helps you get a better sleep (here and here). In general, the National Sleep Foundation has some interesting information to learn about your sleeping environment or sleep health. Check it out!)
- Take out the trash, literally.
- Load or unload the dishwasher.
- Vacuum or sweep one room.
- Wipe/clean all the sinks in your home.
- Wipe/clean all the mirrors in your home.
- Throw out expired or old leftovers/etc from the fridge.
- Review your calendar for the upcoming week/month to get an idea of upcoming events or anything you might need to do for it... another list maybe? :)
- Look on Pinterest (maybe even your already pinned things!) and find a new recipe to try.
- Check your bank statement/budget.
- Pay a bill.
- Make a grocery "list".
- Refresh a few photographs around your home. Currently doing!
- Update your resume. Always a good idea says Forbes.. I just did!
- Send out a quick email or facebook message to a friend. Maybe just a compliment or a how are you... stay connected.
- 5 minute work out- Google it, make up your own, or check out Fitness Magazine for ideas!
- Put together your lunch for the next day. I am terrible at this!!
- Put together your outfit for the next day.
- Find a way to pamper yourself ...whitening strip/paint your nails/put on a mud mask/tweeze... in other words - Treat yo'self- Parks and Rec anyone? :)
- Plan an outing. Dinner, drinks, movie, activity, or general get together.
- Check out groupon. Have found many random deals when I have just randomly checked out the site/app!
- Run updates on your phone and/or computer. For some reason, I always hate doing this and they build up for no reason. Just get it over with and cross it off.
- Do a "fake" clean a la Thrifty and Chic. :)
Feeling more productive already. You?
xo jess xo