Monday, May 11, 2015

ABC dinners

So many times the hubby and I stick with restaurants around us as well as tried and true good eats... we love our neighborhood and it has so many places we like. Done. Easy.

But I want to change that.
 I want to experience Chicago and its different neighborhoods and eateries.
Either with just the hubby or with friends, I want to set up a night or two each month in which we visit a new restaurant.
For fun, I thought it would be cool to go through the alphabet: 26 letters meaning 26 restaurants.
 Decisions are still flexible at this time, but I found this Dining Channel website makes things somewhat easy by providing Chicago restaurants alphabetically, what type of food it is, general location, and the link to the restaurant's website. 
Plus I am doing a little research with recommendations, Chicago's Best lists, and Food Network/Travel Channel. Easy to find a new place- practically just have to go and eat!!

Keep going back and forth on if I want to do it in order, or let it be more fluid.. but we
have already started! So excited!


xo jess xo

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's on like Donkey Kong.

{{Note to self: I will not make myself feel bad/guilty by writing about the fact that I haven't wrote a post in over a month... I was busy and it's ok. ha}}

 Over the last month or so, I have been looking for a new coffee table to replace the cheap $20 ikea purchase when we had first moved to Chicago. 
Time for an update. Time for grown up furniture. 
When slowly updating our furniture/living area, seemed like a good place to start.

I have found I keep going back to the industrial style coffee tables. Very classic lines and I love wood tones. For example, my fave show Fixer Upper has used this coffee table in multiple homes and I love it!

Problem is I am having a hard time finding the exact one... and/or a similar one within my price range.  
I was going to take my time with this, but it seems like one Mr. accidentally put his foot through our current one... and covering it up with a cute tray can only last so long ;)

So I guess the search is on!

xo jess xo

Monday, February 23, 2015


The Oscars were last night.
And they were pretty legit.
Here are my top highlights:


Dakota Johnson
Naomi Watts
Emma Stone
Jennifer Lopez
Anna Kendrick
Reese Witherspoon
Rosamund Pike

Jenna Dewan Tatum
Margot Robbie

Julianne Moore
Jessica Chastain
Scarlett Johansson
Felicity Jones
Lupita Nyong'o
Georgina Chapman

Lady Gaga
Chrissy Teigen

Dapper Dudes:
Eddie Redmayne
Channing Tatum
Neil Patrick Harris
Michael Strahan
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Micheal Keaton

John Travolta...


Lady Gaga performing the tribute to Sound of Music. Perfect!

FOR A LIST OF THE WINNERS, click here. What did you guys think?

Happy Monday!
xo jess xo

Monday, February 9, 2015

LOVE actually is all around

It's coming... 
the holiday created by Hallmark to sell candy, flowers, and cards.
Or something like that they say.
 While I agree that Valentine's Day can take on an over-the-top entity, 
I like the sentiment. 
My husband and I say I love you everyday... multiple times.
And we try to say "thank you" when one of us do something for the other.
But I like to take Valentine's Day as a chance to appreciate the people in my life.
Especially my hubby.
We have never spent a fortune on each other or the night out.
But we go on a special date night and get mushy-gushy with each other.

Here are some ideas for low-key everyday dates or Valentine's dates:

1. Drinks + an app or dessert
 Too often you go out for dinner and don't get a chance to enjoy the appetizers or desserts on the menu! Every once in awhile, switch it up and don't get an entree.

2. Bowling!
Shoe rentals, a couple games, maybe a few drinks... fun and doesn't break the bank.

3.  Coffee date and some exploration
Grab a coffee at a local cafe or Starbucks and take a walk or a drive. Literally anywhere. Nature walk, window shopping, or just looking at the sights. Use Valentine's Day to be a tourist in your own city!

4. Order take out and play a board game
Get the competition going with a friendly board/card game... or one that is not so friendly ;)

5. Movie time: Catch an afternoon matinee or rent something in your home.
Afternoon matinees are still cheaper than at night right? Go see a flick and relax! Or even have a day of snuggling with a movie marathon (or series binge) at home. Rent on-demand or with Redbox OR just check out Netflix.

6. Groupon
Don't have anything planned? Just check out Groupon in your area and go... get deals like a hotel room, dinner, drinks, or an activity for the two of you to do!

7. Brunch it up
Another opportunity to go out to eat on Valentine's Day that has the opportunity to be a little cheaper than the normal reservation and night on the town. Get a nice mimosa or bloody mary with breakfast and linger over brunch.

8.  Cook a fancy meal together
Cooking? Don't we already cook on the regular? Well we don't always cook together- we take turns. Or in the hustle and bustle, we tend to cook quicker or routine items. So plan together and cook something fancy.. drink a little wine... play some music... you get the idea... make your own romance.

Us? We are thinking of doing a combination of 3, 5, 7, and 8. 
Wake up and get get some brunch... wander around in the general area with a cup of coffee...  cook a fancy meal together with wine and some music... and end with a rented movie all snuggled on the couch. 

Happy Monday!
xo jess xo

Monday, February 2, 2015

"LAME" adult snow day

I remember when I was younger and there was snow in the forecast... unless it was cancelled the night before, I would wake up in the morning and crawl into my parents bed to watch the morning news. I would lay there forever it seemed while watching the scroll go by to see if my school would be cancelled. Sometimes it wouldn't and I would then have to rush to get ready, but sometimes.... it was. 
via mashables
Those days meant sleeping in, movies, junk food, and possibly hanging out and sledding with friends.  In college, it could mean the same thing with the possibility of alcohol.

But as an adult... well snow days are definitely different.
Don't get me wrong, a planned snow day where you can sleep in and do what you want... still amazing. This is not such a story.

We had a blizzard yesterday in Chicago that resulted in just a bit of snow... 10-16 in worth I believe. 
I was proactive in uncovering my car and running it for 5-10 minutes yesterday.
I go to my car today and start it to heat up while I scrape and dig myself out a bit to head to work.
Crap. That's right, in the aftermath of the blizzard, I have a flat tire. 
via reaction gifs
 Now I KNOW how to change a tire, my daddy made sure. BUT in the past, I have had no luck doing it either by myself or with my husband. Had to call for some roadside assistance-
Which, remember, is crazy busy from the blizzard... on top of that dealt with some not so stellar customer service of a few companies... and eventually after 5-6 hrs, the tire got changed into the donut! So now, I have to go take my car in and get a) a new tire or b) this one patched or something.
Currently, the side streets are still not towed and when I see an SUV getting stuck in my street... well, just not sure how the donut will match up.

That is how my "snow day" started... mixed with and followed up by dishes, laundry, light cleaning, meal planning, and a call to Comcast. 
If it is gonna be a lame snow day, might as well make it a productive one, right?

Here is to a better week! Happy Monday!
xo jess xo

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lists on Lists on Lists

I love list making. 

... there have definitely been a few times lately in which I have written down something that I am currently doing or literally just did so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off! Ahhhh :)

Sometimes it the action of crossing off a few items can kick start crossing off the bigger or more consuming items on your list.

Here are a few things that are easy to cross off the list in a short period of time, make you feel generally productive, and actually need to get done anyway! Some are pretty common sense, but hopefully there will be a couple new ones for ya!

  1. Sort through your email- divide it into appropriate folders or trash it. DONE!
  2. Go through mail mail. Toss/sort/file.
  3. Gather your dirty laundry if required. face it, it somehow ends up everywhere!
  4. Toss in a load of laundry.
  5. Tidy up your night stand. mine totally ends up cluttered before I even realize it with jewelry, papers, glasses empty or half filled with water, etc.
  6. Clean out your wallet. I just did this and did not realize how many receipts and what not were junking up my wallet. No wonder I can't easily grab my I.D. out!
  7. Clean out your purse. same principal. It becomes mine and occasionally my husbands catch all when we are out. Lots of unnecessary items in there.
  8. Make your bed. Not only does it look tidier and more organized, but there are some articles/research that say it actually helps you get a better sleep (here and here). In general, the National Sleep Foundation has some interesting information to learn about your sleeping environment or sleep health. Check it out!)
  9. Take out the trash, literally.
  10. Load or unload the dishwasher.
  11. Vacuum or sweep one room. 
  12. Wipe/clean all the sinks in your home.
  13. Wipe/clean all the mirrors in your home.
  14. Throw out expired or old leftovers/etc from the fridge.
  15. Review your calendar for the upcoming week/month to get an idea of upcoming events or anything you might need to do for it... another list maybe? :)
  16. Look on Pinterest (maybe even your already pinned things!) and find a new recipe to try.
  17. Check your bank statement/budget.
  18. Pay a bill.
  19. Make a grocery "list".
  20. Refresh a few photographs around your home. Currently doing!
  21.  Update your resume. Always a good idea says Forbes.. I just did!
  22.  Send out a quick email or facebook message to a friend. Maybe just a compliment or a how are you... stay connected.
  23. 5 minute work out- Google it, make up your own, or check out Fitness Magazine for ideas!
  24. Put together your lunch for the next day. I am terrible at this!!
  25. Put together your outfit for the next day.
  26. Find a way to pamper yourself ...whitening strip/paint your nails/put on a mud mask/tweeze... in other words - Treat yo'self- Parks and Rec anyone? :)
  27. Plan an outing. Dinner, drinks, movie, activity, or general get together. 
  28. Check out groupon. Have found many random deals when I have just randomly checked out the site/app!
  29. Run updates on your phone and/or computer. For some reason, I always hate doing this and they build up for no reason. Just get it over with and cross it off. 
  30. Do a "fake" clean a la Thrifty and Chic. :)

Feeling more productive already. You?
xo jess xo

Monday, January 19, 2015



This is not a sponsored post (obviously, ha!)- just a statement of my love for a site called Blurb
Back in the day, I found it in a Bride's magazine I believe,  I saw something about a website called Blurb where someone made their own books and... wedding albumBlurb has various book size and paper types to fit your needs, very customizable, AND has the professional quality to it. 
 Checked out the site and knew that I was going to use it when the time came.
Fast forward to after our wedding, I compiled photographs from the photograper, relatives, friends, and family to curate and create our very own coffee table book/ wedding album.
 It legitimately took me forever. And I also ordered two smaller copies of our book for each of our parents. They loved it! I think my mother-in-law still looks at it like almost every day! :)

Anyways, with how easy it was to put together with their downloadable program and with how much I liked the end result (plus nowadays we are all taking pictures but they all end up on our computer, not really enjoyed like pictures of the past): I made a 2013 Lemon Family Yearbook at the end of the year and decided I was going to make a yearbook every year to document our lives/family/etc. 
(I am even working backwards to make a 2012 yearbook outside of our wedding AND a combination 2010-2011 book to start from when we got engaged.) 
These "yearbooks" are not all coffee table size like our wedding album, but smaller landscape books that will more easily fit on shelves as we go through the years. Additionally, I will try to keep come common features to tie them together- but I won't be strict about it.

For 2014, I habitually updated it along the way throughout the year so within a week after New Years, I was able to send it out to the printer.  And now it's here!!
2013 & 2014 books side by side on bookcase

2013 Yearbook
2014 Yearbook
Just a peek inside 2014 {this for our anniversary trip!}

I would totally recommend this to all.
Happy Monday!

xo jess xo


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

On the List -Updated

Whilest in the midst of taking down Christmas and an attempt at deep cleaning and de-cluttering... I was hit again by my wish lists of things I wanted to around our place as stated here.  So I thought I would revisit it and give an update persay of what's been done/what hasn't as well as *new* goals.

On the List (Bedroom edition):

  1. New bedding/pillows - 25% complete? For Christmas, I got two Euro Sham Pillows for the bed. But currently they are sitting there naked because I haven't figured out the bedding sitation yet. WORK IN PROGRESS.
  2. Attempting to DIY a leaning floor mirror, like thisthis , or this - I was all set to do this over Thanksgiving (talked about here) but then realized that the entire total cost would cost more than say... the Ikea Mongstad Mirror (which was even $20 cheaper at that time). So I went to buy that, measured it and my car, bought it... to realize I forgot one important measurement of my trunk mouth... and to return it right away. Still planning on this mirror instead I think; just have to work out transporting it because it cost the same price of the mirror to ship!! EEK!
  3. Figuring out the his and her closet organization--- in a small closet. -We are currently trying to go through clothes and determine what to keep/give away but otherwise NOTHING done towards this.
  4. Find a new rug- YAY! 100% complete.  It was a Black Friday deal from Was planning on taking a picture of it with the new mirror and then... well I already said what happened.
  5. Under the bed storage*
On the List (Living Room edition):
  1. DIY rustic frame around a lovely Murphy Brown Quote- Keep going back and forth on this one. Still nothing done yet.
  2. To find an industrial style bookshelf? Or new bookshelf? Or just hang shelves? Basically... anything with more shelving and item space/storage.- This is my current battle. I like bookshelves for the height it adds since we have tall ceilings, but I kind of want something with more storage purposes like a buffet with some drawers and shelves... I am seriously searching nightly right now.
  3. Improve blanket storage... maybe DIY blanket ladder? Or maybe I just need to go through blankets and donate what I don't want/need/use anymore? - And I tried out some crib rails a friend was getting rid of to determine what I think about a blanket ladder. I am not convinced. I think I will be getting rid of a couple blankets or moving there storage somewhere else. So basically, long story short, I give myself a 10% done because I at least ruled out the blanket ladder? Small victory.
  4. More art or wall decor in dining area- Another small victory. I ordered one piece of art so far... it is from the show Fixer Upper... I bought a beautiful piece of metal art from Magnolia Market. Joanna Gaines- I love you.
  5. To find a new coffee table-- I LOVE industrial style coffee tables like this, this, this, and this- UGH another battle. I have found nothing as of yet.
  6. Carpet/Rug*
  7. Throw pillows*
  8. Possible plant stand/side tables? Love this ikea hack*
  9. Plant life*
On the List (General):
  1. We own a lot of dvds... which are located in two overflowing tubs... so definitely want/need to figure out some sort of movie storage.- TEMPORARY. I made space for them when have been doing a deep clean and sorting through old stuff in the back to give for donations.
  2. Re-frame hallway art onto lighter frame for improved ease with hanging (and staying up).- Seems like it would be a pretty easy one to complete... why haven't I done this yet?
  3. Get rid of treadmill that is wasting space in our back area.- Another seemingly easy one and now that winter is here and we can't just see if someone will take it from the alley... probably will take a while to do yet.
  4. Get tubs/containers and organize back area of tools, crafts, wrapping paper, party goods, etc.- Part of the deep cleaning process that is currently taking place, so hopefully I will be crossing this one out shortly!
  5. Shoe storage*
  6. Make-up/Hair Supplies/Hair tools storage in the bathroom cabinet* Maybe like this #9 or this #25
  7. Cleaning Supply storage under kitchen sink* Maybe like this #1- I have cleaned it and what not since I have posted this and without further ado, it looks better. Holding off on anything more fancy now. So... I am gonna cross it off (or technically as you are reading.. I already have!)
On the List (Holiday edition):
  1. There is a possibility that if I work on Thanksgiving, we would not be going home. However, Tim's family would likely be stopping by at some point. So I would love to do a cute Thanksgiving/Fall centerpiece like this, this, or this! - Did a little something with various fake fall like fruits on a wood server with a cloche over it. Not the greatest, but something.
  2. Buy some new fall scented candles! Tim and I go through candles like crazy, so we are already in need of some new fall ones... and might as well get some winter-ish ones while we are at it. - I will cross this one off because we actually have bought a few small candles we went through, but we have also been melting wax with like a warmer that my mom had bought us.
  3. Clean. Obviously. - Silly to have on the list because who is not constantly cleaning. DUH.
  4. Scour the clearance/sale racks for future fall decorations. At this time, Christmas stuff is already out and has been out for a bit truthfully. Time to look a bit through the clearance to see if there is anything I want fall-ish to slowly build up my personal collection of fall decor! -And was a little late to the game. By the time, I looked there was nothing. Oh well, less stuff I have to figure out where to store right now. 
Right now, with not even what I have put here- my to do list is huge! But I am in a very productive mode and crossing things off left and right. BOOM! Hopefully I can keep this surge up. 
Welp. That is all. Hope you are crossing things off your list too!

Happy HUMP day!
xo jess xo 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2000 + 15

It was kind of like, haha Welcome to 2015. BAM. BRRRRR.

Speaking of a new year...

I have stopped making resolutions because I tend not to do well with them. 
So this year, I have goals. Aspirations. And I am keeping them simple.

1) Set up a monthly budget: When we moved to Chicago, it was a fun new city and we wanted to be out and about doing things and we were very "flexible" with our spending.  I signed up with last year, but didn't end up really utilizing it. So this is the year- we budget and stick to it.

2) Volunteer: Time to get out there and do something. Keeping this one very open so as not to stress about it- for now, it could be a one day thing or a monthly thing. The big "thing" is to get out there. Tim is going to join me on this one- so we are currently looking at options. 

3) Learn a new skill: Such as sewing (I don't even really know how to stitch a hole in a shirt or a button back on), knitting (I am an old lady who want to knit you a blanket!),  a couple yoga moves, or even how to play chess -which would probably make Tim happy.

4) Run/Walk in a 5K or fun run: I used to be athletic and I still have never done one of these. I have said on multiple occasions, I want to... but haven't. Living in a big city there are a ton of options too!!

5) Send friends and family cards: I like getting mail and cards and well wishes.  I like sending them too, but don't always remember to or remember in advance to get it there in time. Sometimes I send late- sometimes it stops me from sending it. I want to send well wishes (on-time) to all my loved ones this year, i.e. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Babies, Congrats, Sympathy, Thinking of You/Just Because, etc.

6) Study Day: I have continuing education requirements for my job as an Occupational Therapist, but I want to keep up and refresh my skills. Starting small, I want to take a day/evening a month where I go to a coffee shop or get cozy on the couch and "study up".

7) Learn Spanish: I am not talking about speaking fluently. I am talking simple words and phrases that I can use at work. So starting out with words related to therapy and function so that I can communicate a little more with my patients who speak Spanish... If I can pick up even more, that would be great! 

8) Take better photos: Again, I am not talking about buying a brand new camera and learning lots composition and settings, etc. Just simple tricks in which I can improve the lighting, how to take better pictures at night/moving targets, and best general angles.

9) Go one month without take-out: This would likely be one of the hardest. Tim and I have a bad habit of ordering food when we are lazy, it's too cold/too hot out, weekends, haven't gone grocery shopping, or just in the mood to. Plus with friends/family/visits, we would have to define take-out to just ordering in. I don't think we could rule out restaurants all together. 
But nevertheless- a goal= less eating out and ordering in!
Which could also add into another resolution to cook more and try new recipes...

10) Read at least one new book a month: My husband calls me a nerd. I am a reading nerd. I love it. But sometimes in the hustle and bustle of "life", I just don't. On vacations, I binge on books and when I do read one I end up not being able to stop until it is finished. I would like to find a way to add reading into my everyday routine... like as a relaxing end to my day. I can easily read a book a book a month literally, it is making sure I set time up for myself to enjoy it.

So here are my general intentions for 2015.
What are yours?

xo jess xo

Monday, January 5, 2015

...but the thing that I most like to bring out this time of year are my Balls.

I could have used any number of quotes from this awesome SNL skit for the title of this post... 
All these years later.. it is still hilarious! Balls jokes never get old ;)

Speaking of balls, the husband and I have a tradition we do around Christmas every year. 
(Late post- but better late than never.. right?)
We make oreos balls.. or if speaking fancy.. oreo truffles.

We did not come up with the recipe by any means but I will share it anyway!

The ratio is for every 1 package of oreos, you use 1 pkg (8oz) of cream cheese, softened.
Then you also need 2 bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips (dark, milk, white- your choice) or you can use chocolate almond bark (again, your choice). *we have tried both in the past- we tend to use chocolate chips because it is easier for us. But others have said almond bark melts better. Again- your choice.
Here is what we are using this year:
Use a food processor to finely grind your oreos into a "dust".
Then use a hand mixer or your kitchen-aid and mix the oreo dust and cream cheese together.
(at this time, I have seen some recipes add a dash of Kahlua, Bailey's, or rum to give it a kick!)

Use your hands (I find that this works best!) , a scoop, spoons- to make your oreo balls, sized roughly like a walnut, and place on wax paper. Chill your balls (ha!) in the fridge for around an hour to firm.

Melt your chocolate using a double boiler system- or some use the microwave- just as long as it's low heat and stir frequently to keep chocolate from thickening. Dip or drop the ball in to cover and use a toothpick or spoon to lift and let excess chocolate drip off. Place back on the wax paper to cool. 
While the chocolate is still wet, is the best time to decorate as well with 'opposite chocolate' (white on milk) drizzles, crushed oreos or peppermint, or sprinkles!

 From there, we usually let them sit out to dry and some pop them into the fridge again for 15-30 minutes to firm up!
And if we have extra chocolate-- we have thrown in pretzels or almonds (sprinkle a little sea salt too!) into the excess for extra yumminess!

Finished product picture taken from cinnybear because even though I tried taking pics during the process... I forgot to take one of the end result. HA

mmmmm...... no one can resist my schweddy  balls! ;)

Some other sites that probably have better directions are here, here, and here

xo jess xo