Thursday, November 13, 2014

On The List

So as I said the other day... I am in the mood to get things done. When I finished the gallery wall, I immediately had started thinking of projects- BUT I was like "remember how long this ended up taking you? no need to rush onto the next thing!" So I just enjoyed it.. and am still enjoying it.  However, now I am ready for my next project! I am still deciding at this point and I want it to be something that is smaller and can be accomplished easier with the holidays coming up.

On the List (Bedroom edition):

  1. New bedding/pillows 
  2. Attempting to DIY a leaning floor mirror, like thisthis , or this
  3. Figuring out the his and her closet organization-- in a small closet.
  4. Find a new rug
On the List (Living Room edition):
  1. DIY rustic frame around a lovely Murphy Brown Quote
  2. To find an industrial style bookshelf? Or new bookshelf? Or just hang shelves? Basically... anything with more shelving and item space/storage.
  3. Improve blanket storage... maybe DIY blanket ladder? Or maybe I just need to go through blankets and donate what I don't want/need/use anymore? 
  4. More art or wall decor in dining area
  5. To find a new coffee table-- I LOVE industrial style coffee tables like this, this, this, and this
On the List (General):
  1. We own a lot of dvds... which are located in two overflowing tubs... so definitely want/need to figure out some sort of movie storage.
  2. Re-frame hallway art onto lighter frame for improved ease with hanging (and staying up).
  3. Get rid of treadmill that is wasting space in our back area.
  4. Get tubs/containers and organize back area of tools, crafts, wrapping paper, party goods, etc.
On the List (Holiday edition):
  1. There is a possibility that if I work on Thanksgiving, we would not be going home. However, Tim's family would likely be stopping by at some point. So I would love to do a cute Thanksgiving/Fall centerpiece like this, this, or this!
  2. Buy some new fall scented candles! Tim and I go through candles like crazy, so we are already in need of some new fall ones... and might as well get some winter-ish ones while we are at it.
  3. Clean. Obviously.
  4. Scour the clearance/sale racks for future fall decorations. At this time, Christmas stuff is already out and has been out for a bit truthfully. Time to look a bit through the clearance to see if there is anything I want fall-ish to slowly build up my personal collection of fall decor!
Now just to figure out what exactly what I want to do and.. do it! But just like the gallery wall, I am going for more long term and less quick fix- which means I will still be taking my time with it. :)

xo Jess xo

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