Monday, September 29, 2014

Booties on the Brain

Scouring Pinterest lately with ways to refresh my closet and I am seeing *AND WANTING!!*a cute pair of tan-ish booties for fall. Literally all my pins are jeans, sweaters, big scarves, and booties.
However, I have a problem.
I SEE these booties every where... but yet I can't FIND ones I really like.  How come ones I try on look cute on other people but not me? Am I not a bootie person? AHH- Where are those from? Discontinued? Out of my size?
Maybe I am being too critical. Either way, I am just not pulling the trigger on my fall booties. While looking for booties (and a dress for an upcoming wedding), I definitely pulled the trigger on quite a few other things... ;)
On a side note: man I am saying booties a lot. The husband asked me the other day why I keep calling them "booties"... and I was like that is what they are called! He told me they were boots... he did not understand the concept that they are two separate things!

Anyways... here are a few (cheaper) options I am thinking of trying out.

Women's Mossimo Supply Co. Jessica Suede Strappy Boot - Assorted Colors Additional View 0 Target- Jessica Suede Strappy Boot
 (go for the taupe or tan?)
Sayla Zappos- Rocket Dog Sayla

 SONOMA life + style Beige/Khaki Women's Ankle BootsKohl's Sonoma Life & Style

xo Jess xo

p.s. I am almost done with the gallery wall (AFTER A MONTH SINCE REALLY STARTING! YIKES!)-- just waiting on a few things I got printed to put in their frames!! I can't wait! I am loving it so far! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happiness is...

The work-life balance can be pretty hard. With how busy we have been with work, weddings, weekend plans, trying to get stuff done at home... it can be so easy to look at the negatives and start complaining. I am all about a good vent or a good cry-- but I don't want to be an overall negative person.
I have seen those facebook or instagram projects for awhile now in which, you do 365 days or 100 days of happiness and you post something that makes you happy that day-- for the end goal of making sure you are more optimistic and grateful for the things that are going on in your life.

I am signing up HERE and will likely use my instragram so as to not annoy everyone in facebook land. -Maybe I can get a link to my instagram on here... (I am not as tech savvy as I like to think) (edit-- link is on the right! Hope it works!)

 AND SO I BEGIN with my #100happydays....

Granted this is technically from Sunday, BUT I am so happy to become an aunt again! 
My brother Graham and his wife Christine are due in May!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I'm BACK! Granted, not that I meant to go anywhere but the last week has been a whirlwind.  Busy long days at work, followed by trying to be productive at home (mainly going through clothes to keep or get rid of since the closet in our 2nd bedroom fell apart. literally. seemed like it might be a good time for a lil' purge.),  and then in general being out of town for a (((3 DAY))) Labor Day weekend!

How was your labor day weekend? We spent a lot driving in a car to and from my cousin's wedding in Iowa, but it was a good weekend for family.  :) Feeling a little refreshed! AND we have another wedding this weekend back home for a long time friend.
Unfortunately, I haven't really been finding much time to shop for something to wear. Lucky for the closet falling and going through my clothes!! Nothing too fancy (and not great photos) but here are some things I have pulled together...

*Left: what I wore from my cousin's wedding.. and I think all from Target at some point.
*Right: a selfie of the hubs and I at the wedding.

*Above are both possible options for this weekends wedding. Might have to be a game time decision. What do you think?
*Left: Shoes- Vera Wang from Kohls, Dress- Banana Republic Factory, Earrings & Bracelets- Target
*Right: Shoes- Target from at least 6 years ago, Dress- Target from 1 year ago, Necklace- Sparkly Crystal Bead Necklace from Zara (otherwise known at the Kate Middleton Zara necklace)

If I don't post again until next week... HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!

>>> As a side note... I am definitely still working on my gallery wall. Still in the planning out stages.. but almost there. Maybe next I will try and share some ideas for what's going to be IN the frames. ha

XO Jess XO